Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Karl Rove’s Deceptive McCain Debate Strategy Backfires P

Karl Rove’s Deceptive McCain Debate Strategy Backfires + Palin NOT Qualified By 60% In Poll

John Sidney McCain III

John Sidney McCain III

If there ever was a topic McCain was suppose to command in the Presidential debates was Foreign Policy and McCain could not close the deal in the first debate with Barack Obama . This was McCain’s best shot at scoring significant points with Independent voters with his huge advantage of 26 years in Congress (21 of those years in the Senate), but he somehow found a way to miss the opportunity! Complete debate transcripts available to view/download at end of article.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

"There is NO Financial Bailout deal" -
Ohio Republican John Boehner

The Real deal

House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), gathering his GOP colleagues in a private huddle for a third straight morning, declared that there was no bipartisan compromise on the $700 billion financial rescue effort, despite announcements to the contrary by Democratic Senate and Congressional Leaders..."

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Great, Great Depression...Not Just Yet-UNLESS

High Stakes Poker- all in !

The American People must NOT blink! This is high stakes poker and we Must determine the bluff of our unfortunate opponent – the misguided and incapable GOP Bush White House!

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Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain Gets GOP Nod & RNC Speeches including Sarah Palin - Surprise Many

Palin acceptance speech word cloud

The carefully GOP manipulated TV coverage of the RNC Wednesday night was an interesting sociological snapshot of the base of supporters physically present.

You would have thought that some of the nationally known speakers - Meg Whitman, founder of that small little company E-Bay and Carly Fiorina, former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard were giving a speech to themselves inside a closet when talking of GOP reform and prosperity in the future - absolutely NO response what-so-ever from the convention hall packed audience. Truly astonishing, because some issues discussed to be accomplished by the potential McCain Presidency were out there and on the far side.

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I went searching for the truth, and found facts instead - I hate that !