Monday, October 27, 2008
More GOP Jail Time - Alaska Senator Ted Stevens Convicted
Well, we said it here first when the story first broke broke Jul 29, 2008 - that Ted Stevens would be convicted of 7 counts of lying on Congressional financial statements, after reviewing the extensive evidence. The obnoxious longtime Republican Senator did NOT help himself being argumentative during his trial testimony. See our initial story here.
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
Will Ballot Initiatives Affect Voting in Battleground State Colorado
All things aside including Colorado state-wide new voter registration, efforts to get out the voters by each campaign and recent political polls, the intention here is to only examine the philosophy and political or other hidden agenda behind each ballot initiative.Colorado has more ballot initiatives (14 total), on the November 2008 ballot than any time in the state’s history except 1912, when there were 22 initiatives before Colorado voters.
The 2008 ballot measures include 10 citizen sponsored initiatives and four legislative referrals
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
Alaska Trooper Gate Report:Palin Unethical Lying Maverick
She can run, but Sarah Palin can no longer hide. The GOP spin machine is revving up to christen Sarah Palin's ethics as we speak.
This GOP scandal certainly is par with previous GOP scandals of Larry Craig, Trent Lott, Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, George W. Bush, Robert Ney, Newt Gingrich, Former Deputy Interior Secretary J. Steven Griles, Republican state Representative and Florida co-Chairman of McCain for President Campaign - Bob Allen, George Allen Jr. David Vitter, Ted Stevens, Pastor Ted Haggard, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Presidential Personal Aid - Karl Rove.
See a very long and comprehensive wikipedia Republican Scandal list here.
Review/download 263 page Trooper Gate report at end of this article.
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Thursday, October 2, 2008
Economic Stabilization '$700 Billion Bailout' Bill
Economic Stabilization "$700 Billion Bailout" Bill
The Senate vote – how the various senators voted and the Economic Stabilization of 2008 Bill summary available for download, so you ll know why they voted the way they do in the House of Representatives on Friday Oct. 3rd 2008."
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- Dangling Wrangler
- I went searching for the truth, and found facts instead - I hate that !