Thursday, February 26, 2009

GOP s Newest Kamikaze

GOP's Newest Kamikaze

GOP Platform NOT in touch with reality

Is that your final answer ?

The three Musketeers: Bobby Jindal, Republican Governor of Louisiana; Mark Sanford, Republican Governor of South Carolina and Haley Barbour, Republican Governor of Mississippi all for one and one for all all for one - say their states will REFUSE economic stimulus money from the Obama Administration. The governors - some of whom are said to be eyeing White House bids in 2012 - are putting their own interests first.


Friday, February 20, 2009

The UBS Mental Recession Slipping into Mental Depression

The UBS Mental Recession Slipping into Mental Depression

UBS... You and US

Oh, those good ol’ boys...those juggernauts of the business world acute with their wisdom and core values at UBS. We’re taking direct aim at the Swiss investment group UBS ...You and Us, whose co-chairman Ex-GOP Senator and Chief Economic Advisor to John McCain - namely Phil Gramm enraged the American People with his non-chalant, yet vicious phraseology that the American People were experiencing a mere "mental recession"...

"We have sort of become a nation of whiners," he added. "You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline" despite a boom in exports? The worldwide economic chaos is as much attributed to UBS... You and Us, as it is joined at the hip to to Phil Gramm - UBS fondly embraced Phil Gramm’s financial house of ill repute with open arms.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

World s Electronic Waste Killing China's People

Guiyu Chinese locals

The preface(a primer for individuals not familiar with this subject), is very important to feel the true gravity at ground zero of widespread e-waste abuse and it s enormous safe disposal challenges. Come to terms with this little known reality.Electronic waste, abbreviated as e-waste consist mainly of unwanted electrical or electronic appliances -

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I went searching for the truth, and found facts instead - I hate that !